Midwives coming close to the Youth
MILCOT had a humble charitable beginning in 2017 and was born of Nayiga Harriet’s vision after encountering with a number of young mothers during her midwifery practice both in clinical environment and community, experiencing effects of teenage pregnancy including, maternal mortality and morbidity. Harriet realized that the role of midwives is missing at the grassroots level to help and inform the community about the complications resulting from teenage pregnancy yet they can be prevented. Since a Midwife is known to be the back born of health care, and strategically positioned, Harriet got concerned to play a role in improving primary health care by reaching vulnerable households and families, adolescents and youth groups, community and religious leaders, elders and Village Health teams. MILCOT is currently operating in the local communities of Nansana Municipality, but the future plan is to extend to other parts of the country to address the high numbers of teenage pregnancies, maternal mortality and morbidity by midwives on the frontline.